Why Fliteboard?

Having been in the business for 4 years, we have had the chance to ride nearly every brand out there. We chose Fliteboard because their boards offer exclusive safety and unmatched fun. Their sleek design allows the user to fly effortlessly above the water with maximum stability, something that is key when learning!

Fliteboard has 2 quick connectors, a user friendly hand controller and 2 hours of ride time giving you an experience on the water like no other.

Our large range of boards and wings are tailored to you. We carry large wings for beginners, and smaller wings for those who have ridden before and want to experience carving and tight turns.

The art of teaching

We take teaching seriously and believe that using additional equipment is the make or break between your success out on the water. Using helmets with built in walkie talkie systems, this allows us to talk to you, rather than shout; accelerating your learning.

Our impact vests are coast guard approved and provide extreme padding, not just an orange piece of foam around your neck!